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How to create redirects in Open Sitez

Redirects are a way to redirect visitors from one URL to another. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

There are two ways to create redirects in Open Sitez:

1. Using the type: redirect setting in a route

To create a redirect using the type: redirect setting, simply create a route with the type: redirect setting and specify the URL that you want to redirect visitors to. For example, the following YAML will create a redirect from the /home URL to the / URL:

    type: redirect
    url: /

2. Using the global.redirects setting

To create redirects using the global.redirects setting, simply create a global section in your YAML file and add a redirects setting to it. The redirects setting should be a list of redirects, with each redirect being in the following format:

url: /old-url/
redirect: /new-url/

For example, the following YAML will create two redirects:

    home: /

This YAML will create a redirect from the /home URL to the / URL and a redirect from the /example URL to the URL.

Which way to use depends on your personal preference. The first way is more explicit, while the second way is more compact. If you are only creating a few redirects, then the first way may be more readable and easier to understand. If you are creating a large number of redirects, then the second way may be more efficient.

Here are some examples of how to use redirects in Open Sitez: